Sunday, June 7, 2015

A little bit of everything: Trying to do it all

If I was a superhero, I'd be the hulk. Even with these boney arms and knobby knees. I just feel as if there's so much inside of me bursting to get out. I'm being pulled in too many directions at once.

Take right now for instance. I hope to take my 1 year old and 3 year old to the water park in an hour or so. I really need to clean the kitchen, prep dinner and gather all the 'out in the hot sun bric-a-brac' that goes with it. But instead I'm writing. Because I love to write.

But I'm also itching to go downstairs and write out the chords to the new song I'm learning on my guitar.

Don't even get me started with the artwork I'd like to do.

I'm a stay at home mom. And like most single income families, my husband and I feel squeezed to make ends almost not meet. He's putting in a ton of overtime (leaving me to go crazy in toddler world) but it never seems to be enough.

The cool thing is, my many interests can actually generate income. So maybe I could help out on the money side of things... if only... I had a few more precious moments. A few more sweet hours everyday to create. To get truly lost in the ideas and worlds that spin around in my head all day.

But I must be mom first.

That means chopping carrot sticks and filling the crock-pot. Wiping noses and helping my 3 year-old find her princess tiara.

If only, If only... I had a few more hours. If only my creativity didn't tug me away from my kids. I need balance. I need to make this work. And somehow... I still need to sleep. Because nobody wants a cranky mommy.

Maybe I'll find the way. Maybe this blog will help... maybe...

Got to go!

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