Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Useful Recycling Projects Anyone Can Do!

 January 2022 has been a little like a fire cracker that fizzled out. I was so excited for that bang of fresh new goals, dreams and momentum to energize my life… but instead, 2022 brought with it more lockdowns and homeschooling. Like so many of us around the world right now, my family has caught the omicron virus. Thankfully, our symptoms are mild, but that doesn’t mean they’re not challenging! Seems like we’ve all had a head cold for weeks now.

Having the kids home and working with low energy resources has also meant being less productive when it comes to writing. However, my creative brain is always busy and always making something! Take this coffee shelf for instance:

I had time on my hands and I wanted some more organization, so I made this little shelf from papier-mâché and cardboard. Yes, I know it’s a bit warped. No, I don’t think it will last forever. Still… it was a bright spot during a dreary January and the process gave me joy.

So in celebration of the small things I create, for no other reason than I like to create, recycle and save money, I thought I’d post this collage of some of the random and useful things around the house that I’ve made.

Hooked by hand with strips of recycled denim. It took me eight months!
    Denim rag rug. Everything about this was done by hand… it took about 8 months!

So many crocheted and knitted blankets! I don’t have any advanced skills in this area, I just like using up scrap thrift-store yarn. I find both crochet and knitting soothing for my busy brain.

I was looking for a way to recycle wine corks. I made this pot trivet from a cookie tin lid, twine, cut corks and glue.

This isn’t a recycling project, but I like to design and print off my own calendar stickers for planning events.

I cut a torn bed sheet into strips and crocheted a rag rug.

A glass jar and some hemp twine makes a toothbrush holder.

Quick! I need something to hang necklaces on!

This jewelry holder was pieced together from a handmade picture frame, painted canvas board and drawer pulls.

An old picture frame and a drawer pull makes a phone stand/charging port for the kitchen.

Cardboard, burlap, and a frame, is an easy way to create earring storage.

The kids smashed the shade of this lamp. I made a new shade with papier-mâché and acrylic paint, building off the frame of the old shade.

:) So, this is what I do when I’m not doing anything in particular at all. I mend, recycle and make!

What crafty projects do you do?